How to live a better dream age life?

By GeraldOchoa

There is no way to guarantee a good dream age. Here are some ways to get better sleep, reduce stress, and have more fulfilling dreams.

1.Quality sleep is essential

Dream age adults need at least 7 hours of sleep per night. These tips can help you get good sleep.

  • Every day, try to keep your bedtime and your wake-up times the same.
  • Maintain a comfortable temperature in your bedroom.

All lights, nightlights included, should be turned off. Turn off glowing clocks that are in your field of vision. Get room-darkening shades for windows that let in light through the windows.

If you are having trouble falling asleep, don’t sit there pure cul staring at the clock. Do something that is relaxing. When you feel tired, go back to bed.

2. Exercise

Regular exercise can help you fall asleep more easily at night. You might have difficulty falling asleep if you exercise close to bedtime.

3. Dedicate a sleep zone

Clear out clutter from your bedroom. Clear out your bedroom of all electronics that glow or beep, such as TVs, smartphones, computers, and oaxis smartphones. To keep your workspace out of sight, you can use a room divider if you have to.

Your bedroom should be a refuge from the outside world.

4. Before you go to bed, de-stress

Spend an hour before bed to relax with something that you find relaxing.

  • Meditation or deep breathing
  • Aromatherapy
  • Take a dip in the tub
  • Reading
  • Avoid these places during this hour


  • Strenuous exercise
  • Eaten and drank
  • Screen time
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5. Skip the nightcap

Although alcohol can make you feel sleepy, it can also disrupt your sleep cycle. You are more likely to experience vivid dreams and nightmares if you have alcohol in your system.

6.Change your sleeping position if you are prone to having nightmares.

A 2004 study found that people who slept on the left side had more nightmares than those who slept on the right. A 2012 study showed that people who slept on their stomachs were more likely to dream of persecutory or sexual material, such as being smothered or locked up or unable move.

7. Consume foods containing melatonin

YourTrusted Source quality of sleep may be improved by melatonin. You can also find melatonin in many foods like:

  • eggs
  • Fish
  • Meat
  • milk
  • nuts
  • Some cereals
  • Germinated seeds or legumes
  • mushrooms

8.Take melatonin supplements

According to a 2013 meta-analysis, Trusted Source found that melatonin reduces sleep onset latency, increases sleep duration, and improves quality of sleep, but the effects are limited.

Researchers detailedTrusted Source three cases in 2018 of people experiencing nocturnal hallucinations. Participants who took 5mg of melatonin were able to reduce their hallucinations.

Everyone is different when it comes to dream age. Some people find melatonin helps with dreams. Others may experience vivid dreams that can be frightening.

Some medications may interact with melatonin. Talk to your doctor if you have trouble sleeping or are having nightmares.

9. Manage your anxiety

A 2014 studyTrusted Source found that people with generalized anxiety disorder had higher bad dreams age than those without it. Researchers also suggested that cognitive behavioral therapy could be used to help anxiety sufferers reduce bad dreams.

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10.Make a dream age journal

Your daytime thoughts and experience can create your dream age. Bad dreams may be indicative of stressors. Write down the details of your dream age, along with the emotions, as soon as possible.

This exercise can help you to connect your dream age with real-life situations. It may be possible to improve your dream life by confronting your daily problems.

A 2019 study found that playing interactive games positively correlates with lucid and control dream frequency. Gaming increases the likelihood that your dream age will be reached by game content, which may lead to lucid dreaming. This effect is also known by the Tetris Effect.

11. Practice lucid dreaming dream age

Lucid dreaming refers to the ability to feel like you are in a dream even though you are not there. You can also learn to lucid-dream. You can train yourself to simulate reality in dreams and gain some control over how it turns out.

Types of dream dream age

Some dream age are easy to forget, others leave an impression and some last a lifetime. There’s a good possibility that you have had many different experiences throughout your life. There are many types of dream age:

  • Bright dreams
  • pregnancy dreams
  • recurring dreams
  • Lucid dreams
  • Anxiety dreams
  • Nightmares
  • Night terrors